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New To Skyrim Q1 2018 - Have Graphic / Mod Questions


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Specs: Windows 7, 16G Ram, Medium End Gaming Rig, Nvidia GeForce GTX 970.

Skyrim Version: Steam/Skyrim Basic (yea yea I know)


Used to playing MMO games. First ESO Stand-alone game I've played. I miss having some basic info on my screen. I like the clean game screen, but am bothered by not being able view at least FPS data, character status, in-game world clock, etc.

The game is nice to look at in general, but after seeing a lot of screenshots, it appears that my settings (and maybe some missing add-ons) are causing everything to look very washed out and drab. I grabbed the Skyrim High Resolution Texture Pack, but am not sure if it's active. The game appearance did not seem to change, everything still looks washed out (details are a tad more clear though). Screenshot attached for example.



Add-ons. I'm not new to addon's in general, but after reading about Skyrim Addons, I am lost. No idea what's current and what is safe to use. Also, a lot of the data reads like it was written back 2010-2014, when more people were playing, which means "instructions for install" are missing. Argh!

So I am not sure what to do next. The game runs pretty well on my PC, but the lack of info on the game screen, and the washed out look, is bothering me. Not sure if I will play over the long haul if I can't solve these 2 main concerns.

Would sure appreciate any tips or pointers to get me going, thank you!

Edited by IndigoShade20k
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I don't quite get what extra information you want to see on screen

in game clock is available through mods (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44091)

character status? what exactly are you talking about? because some UI elements you can add via mods , but you need to be far more specific (or just look at the UI mod category , and find the mods you like best)

an FPS counter isn't really necessary in this game , but you can have one via https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6491


you mentioned adding some screenshots , but they are missing in your post

however , most of the washed out colors could rather easily be fixed by an ENB of your choice (there are plenty of options , look under the ENB Preset category)


I'm really not sure what problem you have with the add ons

assuming you refer to the DLCs , there really isn't a special installation method for these

if you are talking about mods , each mod has it's own set of instructions , depending on the contents of the mod . but in general you just download and install via the mod manager of your choice (and there are plenty of guides for all mod managers , aside from the upcoming Vortex which is still under construction)

if you could provide more information , it would really help us help you

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Thanks for your reply. Some of your answers have been quite helpful. One of the reasons I am stuck right now is that I'd be happy to test some mods from here, but because I have not dealt with Skyrim mods, I really want a working Mod Manager, and am super confused about the current state of Nexus Mod Manager. Is it working or not? Knowing the status of this will help me move forward. Then there is the fact that my Steam install is in the Windows Programs (86) folder, which appears to be a problem I will have to resolve.

And I did mean Mods, not DLC's. I have not purchased any of the DLC's. Sorry for the confusion, I need to learn Skyrim terminology pronto! Once have an answer to the Mod Manager question, I'll start looking at the UI mod category.

I fixed the Screenshot issue. Added two examples from today to my OP.

I took a look at the EBN Catagory, and it looks like all that is pretty complicated for a newbie like me, but doable. Hopefully wading through those will help me with my washed-out game graphics concern. I just want more vivid color overall. I feel like the game has way too much "fog". I play ESO Online and use an addon for that very same thing.

Is it safe to assume that Mods that require Skyrim Special Edition will show that requirement?

Meanwhile, I've managed to figure out how to look at the mod categories, and I found a link to download the Nexus Mod Manager. I just don't want to do anything until I know if that Mod Manager is working or not.

Finally, it's hard for me to even know what questions to ask right now, or what to share. I've just begun this journey :)

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as to NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) , it is working

it is no longer being supported , as a new mod manager called Vortex is currently being build , which will replace both NMM and MO (Mod Organizer)

you can use either of these , depending on your preferences (I personally use MO , though it is a bit more difficult to learn)

both have great tutorials online , I would suggest Gopher's tutorials on YouTube (I absolutely love his videos and his in depth methods , though they may not be for everyone)


in the case of Special Edition , you should note that SE has a separate Nexus page

thus any mod you find under the Skyrim site is for the old version of Skyrim , while any mod you find under the SE site is for the new SE version

so there should be no confusion there , as long as you pay heed to which site you are on (you can go to the game selection page , and find both of these sites among the current 500+ games)


I honestly suggest that you start with a modding tutorial , get the basic information covered

after this , decide which mod manager you wish to use , and get accustomed to using it

than you can choose which mods to install , and start experimenting with it (mod installation isn't truly difficult , though it may seem so early on . but it's all a learning experience)

hopefully within a short period of time you'll have a fully functioning modded game to enjoy

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