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Getting "Incomplete" Status in NMM when downloading certain fi


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Well basically I have been trying to get "Cloaks of Skyrim" "Crimson Tide (Blood mod)" and "Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack" to work but they always seem to reach a certain download % and then it says "Incomplete" in NMM. Is this a common error and can it be easily fixed? Thank you in advance guys.
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Not only the certain numerous files but i'm having "incomplete" issue with many others (say like %20 of the files that i try to download).

The only solution that (sometimes) works is deleting old incomplete downloaded file parts manually on \mods\downloads.

By doing so, i'm forced to re-download the file via NMM but this might not also solve the issue always.


edit: and ofcourse not to mention, there's always "downlad manually" option.

Edited by Elrumel
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  • 2 weeks later...
There is definitely an issue with NMM if a download is paused or your connection drops while downloading. The manager will try to resume and fail or will restart and only get as far as the previous attempt at whatever percentage complete that was and a message stating incomplete of failed to download will come up. The workaround is to clear the cache in Mods/Downloads/Cache and restart the download. Or install manually -meh-.
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  • 2 years later...
I have a similar problem. When I download a mod with NMM it will get to the last kb and then the download stops, saying "incomplete." I hit resume and the download completes, but the file is corrupted and NMM won't activate it. Downloading manually doesn't work either as when I try to use 7z to unzip the files it will say "file is broken." So it seems everything I download off the nexus site is corrupt or broken. Any suggestions?
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