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No Floor in Korvanjund Crypt


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Hi I'm experiencing a problem with the Jagged Crown Quest. When I enter the Korvanjund Crypt there is no ground and My character and all the other Stormcloaks fall into nothing and eventually re-spawn back at what would be ground level just to fall again..


I'm running the following mods


Active Mod Files:


00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  JSwords.esm
03  ApachiiHair.esm
04  Skyrim Dark.esm
05  hideout.esm
06  OpenFaceHelmets.esp
++  AT - Loot Arrows +100%.esp
++  AT - Merchants Arrows +100%.esp
07  Magnus100.esp
08  Farkas.esp
09  DFG's Blade & Dagger Sheathe Sounds.esp
0A  Better Dynamic Snow.esp
0B  Natural Skyrim Rain.esp
0C  Realistic Lighting.esp
0D  Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp
0E  Warmer Magic Lights v2 - Big.esp
0F  Weapons and Armor fixes.esp
10  StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
11  Arrowsmith.esp
12  Auto Unequip Helmet.esp
13  Cat_mount.esp
++  Craftable Arrows.esp
14  Craftable Artifacts.esp
15  DaedricCrownCraftable.esp
16  DragonCrownCraftable.esp
17  DragonPlateCrownCraftable.esp
18  EbonyCrownCraftable.esp
19  ElvenCrownCraftable.esp
1A  GlassCrownCraftable.esp
1B  hqsnow.esp
++  Lost Art of the Blacksmith.esp
1C  lt_better_horses.esp
1D  More Craftables.esp
1E  Convertible Azura's Star.esp
1F  PerkPointPotion.esp
20  SaderHorses.esp
21  ValsCraftingMeltdownAlpha.esp
22  ArmoredCircletsQuickFox.esp
23  Berserk Black Swordsman Armor.esp  [Version 1.0]
24  brutal armor.esp
25  Bucklers-Complete.esp
26  Cloaks.esp
27  1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.esp
28  1nivWICCloaks.esp
29  1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp  [Version 1.0]
2A  DragonBoneWeaponsPack01_v01.00.esp
2B  DragonBoneWeaponsPack02.esp
2C  dragonslayer.esp
2D  dragonslayer_dracula.esp
2E  Divine Aegis.esp
2F  Divine Aegis Sword.esp
30  DwarvenMech.esp
31  DwemerAutoBlade.esp
32  FS_ExorcizamusTe.esp
33  FS_SwordOfTheSeeker.esp
34  HedgeKnight.esp
35  isilNarsil.esp
36  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp
37  LFArmors.esp
38  lordamor.esp
39  Masters of Death.esp
3A  Mystic.esp
3B  Northborn Fur Hoods.esp
3C  private_singular_quivers.esp
3D  RedguardKnight.esp
3E  ScoutArmor.esp
3F  Thor.esp
40  VagabondArmor.esp
41  viciousdawnbreaker.esp
42  WarchiefArmor.esp
43  Warglaive of Azzinoth.esp
44  warmagearmor.esp
45  WeaponsOf3E.esp
46  DeadlyDragons.esp
47  DeadlyDragonsCreature.esp
48  BetterRiften.esp
49  Dragon Falls Manor.esp
++  Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp
++  Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp
++  MageFriendlyDragonPriestMasks.esp
4A  retreat.esm
4B  armored-horses.esp
4C  AT - Faster Arrows Improved +100%.esp
4D  AT - Recover 50% More Arrows.esp
4E  AT - Progressive Damage (BS and CCO).esp
4F  Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp
50  Headbomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp
51  Headbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.esp
52  Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Half Weight).esp
53  Headbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Light Weight).esp
54  Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (PseudoVanilla).esp
55  BetterQuestObjectives.esp
56  Sevenkeys.esp
57  The Asteria - Dwemer Airship.esp
58  WATER.esp  [Version 1.2]
59  WATER - Get Wet.esp
5A  VariousGuardReplacer.esp
5B  Live Another Life.esp  [Version 1.4]
5C  dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
5D  BetterMage.esp
5E  MidasSkyrim.esp
5F  Phenderix's Magic Evolved.esp
60  DeadlySpellImpacts.esp
61  DeadlySpellImpacts - Two Fire.esp
62  The Dance of Death.esp
63  PerkUP-Pickpocket.esp
64  PerkUP-Sneak.esp
65  PerkUP-OneHanded.esp
66  PerkUP-Lockpicking.esp
67  PerkUP-LightArmor.esp
68  PerkUP-HeavyArmor.esp
69  PerkUP-Destruction.esp
6A  PerkUP-Conjuration.esp
6B  PerkUP-Block.esp
6C  PerkUP-Alchemy.esp
6D  PerkUP-Smithing.esp
6E  PerkUP-Speech.esp
6F  PerkUP-Alteration.esp
70  PerkUP-TwoHanded.esp
71  PerkUP-Illusion.esp
72  PerkUP-Archery.esp
73  PerkUP-Restoration.esp
74  PerkUP-Enchanting.esp
75  PerkUP-zOptional_HeavyArmor_NoHelmsReq.esp
76  PerkUP-zOptional-Pickpocket_CarryMore100.esp
77  PerkUP-zOptional_LightArmor_NoHelmsReq.esp
78  More Craftables - PerkUP compatibility.esp
79  SynergyBonuses.esp
7A  Better Racials- Altmer Edition.esp
7B  Better Racials- Nord Edition.esp
7C  Better Racials- Orsimer Edition.esp
7D  Better Racials- Dunmer Edition.esp
7E  Better Racials- Khajit Edition.esp
7F  Better Racials- Breton Edition.esp
80  ArmorSetFixQuickFox.esp
81  betterstartingitems.esp
82  Bingles_Buff_Armors.esp
83  boss dungeon2.esp
84  bossdungeon.esp
85  bossdungeon3.esp
86  guts_knife.esp
87  Vilkas.esp
88  Pinewoods Cottage.esp
89  plate hoods pack-normal armor.esp
8A  HousecarlWindhelm.esp
8B  HirelingBelrand.esp
8C  HigherLevelEnemies.esp
8D  Light Armor Hoods - Normal Armor Value.esp
8E  spawnshield.esp
8F  Bashed Patch, 0.esp



any ideas what could be causing it? should i not be using a Bashed Patch since i've already fixed one issue with the Open Faced Helm mod when merged into the Bashed Patch?

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  • 2 months later...
The 50 mod thing was a bug with Steam Workshop. The actual number is 256 (including Update.esm and official plugins). Have you tried running BOSS to sort your load order? For example, it's recommended that mods like WATER run last in your load order. Other than that the only advice I have is to begin disabling your mods one at a time until you find the culprit. Starting with what you installed last (and possibly any mods made before the Creation Kit was released as those can cause problems with cells loading properly depending on what tool was used to make them). Good luck.
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