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Merged Plugins Error Resolution


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Hey, so I have been merging plugins to try to optimize my fallout mods into the most conflict-free and stable setup I can. I've been using the Merge Plugins program to automate the merging of esp's, and I found that some of my merged files have a few errors in fo4edit that I'm not sure how to fix. Here's the error fo4edit kicks out:


[00:00] Checking for Errors in [06] Merged World 03.esp
[00:01] [REFR:00055EB6] (places TreeMapleForest3 "Maple Tree" [sTAT:0004A075] in GRUP Quest Children of SanctuaryExt07 [CELL:0000DD40] (in Commonwealth "Commonwealth" [WRLD:0000003C] at -21,22) in Precombined\0000DD40_8971F8CA_OC.nif)
[00:01] REFR \ Quest -> Found a CELL reference, expected: QUST
[00:01] [REFR:00055EB7] (places TreeMapleForest5 "Maple Tree" [sTAT:0004A071] in GRUP Quest Children of SanctuaryExt07 [CELL:0000DD40] (in Commonwealth "Commonwealth" [WRLD:0000003C] at -21,22) in Precombined\0000DD40_BE2F3B7D_OC.nif)
[00:01] REFR \ Quest -> Found a CELL reference, expected: QUST
So, I go to the records where the error is, and I see the problem is that at the top of the View window, just above the record header. If I highlight the topmost cell in the fallout4.esm file, the cell above the record header displays "Cell." If I click that same cell under Merged World 03.esp, the cell above the record header displays "Quest." I'll post an image for reference.
So, my question is, how do I change it so that it the proper "Cell" reference is in my merged mod, so that this error goes away? If I highlight that cell in my mod, it doesn't give me any way to edit that reference. Also, I should note, that when testing my mod in game, it all seemed to be working properly, so I'm not sure if this is even necessary, but I wanted to know, just in case, if it was possible to fix it.
Edited by JackWallace
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Hi JackWallace!

I dont know if i understood correctly (english isnt my first language) but ill try my best! :)

At first you can drag and drop those references, if you want to carry over sth, do you understand what i want to say?
Also normally you can edit manually by double clicking the reference or parameter.

But as far as i know not everything which is marked as error by xedit is actually a problem. Sometimes modauthors particularly mention that xedit will mark sth as error but theres no need to worry. You could try to contact the authors of the mods you merged/which caused this error message.

if you have the feeling that i can still help you, just pm me otherwise its possible that i wont notice your answer :)
if i could help feel free to give kudos! Thanks and have fun!

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I'll send a PM, but I will also post here for others to see if they are having similar issues.


First of all thank you for your suggestions! However, I do already understand that dragging contents of one box to another box overwrites the receiving box's data, and I know that you can double click to edit things in fo4edit manually. However, for some reason, I cannot figure out how to change the type of reference that an entry is being recognized as, whether it's a cell record, or a quest record. Anyways, I have learned in the last few days of researching this that Merge Plugins depends on xEdit scripts to combine esp's into one file. What I am seeing is a common glitch when using xEdit to merge mods, and it is a problem that hails all the way back to TES4Edit and Oblivion. I don't think it will be a problem in game, as there are mods I have (The Lost Building of Atlantic) that have the same errors, and they all work fine.


Again, thanks for your help, and if you or anyone else have any other suggestions, they are all greatly apprecitated!

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