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[LE] Applying imagespace modifier to ring


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Hello all,


I'm trying to create a ring that when equipped will apply the screen blur effect that is seen in killcams. There is tons of information and mods to remove this effect, however i want to enable it on demand. Or if a console command exists to enable it, even better. I've tried creating a ring, applying and enchant to it, then having the enchant call the effect, but when the ring is equipped, nothing happens. Any ideas or suggestions on how to get the ring to work?
I've tried changing the image space mod to any of the vats, such as VATSImodDOF, but again, nothing happens when the ring is equipped.



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Console command: imod ImageSpaceModifierID

More details on it: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=ApplyImageSpaceModifier


I think you have to use some scripting to apply the affect on equipping an item. I can't help you with the details of that (never looked at scripts on equip before), but this talks about the scripts I think you are going to have to use:


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Lol, Just saw this in forums and was like "Hey I just did that exact same thing for someone like yesterday!!!"

Then I saw your nexus name and realised You were the one I did it for haha.

Thread closed I guess :D

(Im assuming it all worked anyway?)

If anyone else is reading:

The solution was to create a ring, an enchantment and a magic effect.
On the magic effect we went to the scripts and simply added the vanilla script: "MagicImodScript".
We then went to properties and edited the value to point to the IMOD of choosing.

This is the solution for effects that only have one IMOD.
If you wanted to add one of transitional IMODs that have a START and END effect as well, then you would want to copy a different script (have a look at magic effects for poisoning).
These scripts have 3 properties, a start, a loop, and an end, which you would then set to your 3 IMOD properties (you will see that some IMODs have a start and end version for transitional effects).

Thats pretty much it, the rest of it is just adjusting things to your liking (casting sounds and whatnot)

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