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Sleeping outfits


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jvilleseche, if I may necro a necro of a necro: Did you get that working? If not, has anyone figured out if various "undress to get in the pool/bath" scripts from nudie mods can be adapted to this? It IS kind of stupid that all these NPCs have sleep outfits defined, then go to bed in their plate armor. Hopefully there's just some mod to fix this, but for the follower mod I'm working on, I would like to build this feature in as a script so it's not dependent on someone having a particular mod.

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  • 10 months later...

As far as making use of the "Sleep outfit", this is impossible as of yet. there is a script to SET the outfit, but not get, which is stupid. However, there is a very simple script I made to make your own setup. Just attach this script to any REFERENCEALIAS, and set your properties. In the "Outfits" property, slot 0 is for the normal outfir, slot 1 is for sleeping outfit.

Outfit[] Property Outfits Auto
{0: Normal outfit; 1: Sleep outfit;}
Bool Ptoperty DidSleepOutfit = False Auto Hidden

Event OnSit(ObjectReference akFurniture)
	Actor Me = GetActorReference()
	If (Me.GetSleepState() == 3)
		Form L = Me.GetEquippedObject(0) ; Check Left Hand
		Form R = Me.GetEquippedObject(1) ; Check Right Hand
		Debugger("GetSleepState: "+Me.GetSleepState())
		If L && (L as Weapon)
			Me.UnequipItem(L as Weapon) 
		If R && (R as Weapon)
			Me.UnequipItem(R as Weapon) 
		DidSleepOutfit = True

Event OnGetUp(ObjectReference akFurniture)
	If (DidSleepOutfit)
		DidSleepOutfit = False
Edited by schak123
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