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Quest reference alias - create ref to object [temp]


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Does the Create ref to object [temp] flag actually do anything, and if so what ?


I have been playing around to see if quest spawned objects will be cleared when a mod is removed without the quest being stopped.


Was hoping that the temp flag would help, but it doesn't and the spawned ObjectRefs still hang around.


Alternative: is there a base game script that will set a quest stage on activation so I can trigger Quest.Stop() on PS4 ?

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If you can get the quest to run a self stop or complete/fail in some way you can use DefaultRefOnActivate. That will let you specify a quest and stage to set on activation.


As for created refs. Temp should make them temporary non persistent once the alias is cleared/quest stopped. Though if it's a vanilla base form it will remain after a mod is removed until the cell resets.

Edited by BigAndFlabby
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Update for posterity (as the DefaultAliasOnActivate attached to a RefAlias) doesn't fire consistently.


To manually trigger stop quest to clean up a mod using default PS4 compatible scripts:


Activator > DefaultRefOnActivate > Quest > DefaultQuestShutdownScript

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