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Starting modding with Skyrim.


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Hi there, I've modded Skyrim in the past, though a recent mishandling of my computer by a PC company has lead to the hard drive being destroyed and having to start all over again.


Normally I would just dive right in, but after sorting out Fallout 4 and discovering I needed to tweak some files before the mods would actually load, I realised I couldn't remember if there were any requirements for Skyrims regular edition as well.


I haven't been able to find any trace of it, as on the Nexus website I'm probably just blind and on Google, all anyone wants to talk about is Special Edition.


I'm currently running it through Steam, entirely purchased on their store if that counts for anything.


My thanks in advance for anyone who can offer me the answer to whether or not I need to edit any files, and if so what exactly I need to edit.


Edit: I apologise for placing this here, I had not noticed the post linking to the forums dedicated to specific games and had not seen them on the main page. If I may request the post be moved rather than deleted, purely to avoid spam, I apologise again for any trouble caused.

Edited by Craft406
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