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Uncommon Taste by the Gourmet


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I'm wondering if anyone has made either of the recipes in the book Uncommon Taste, or other recipes from Skyrim (as best they can given the non-real nature of some ingredients? They sound delicious, as do a lot of the recipes in Skyrim! I know, I know "But Ahab, the recipes are so simplistic! Any dolt with a pot can make them!" Well, that's not the point of being a total nerd now is it!?


I hope I haven't been left to make these and post pics...



, discovered by AxlRocks! Edited by SmilingAhab
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I'm wondering if anyone has made either of the recipes in the book Uncommon Taste, or other recipes from Skyrim (as best they can given the non-real nature of some ingredients? They sound delicious, as do a lot of the recipes in Skyrim! I know, I know "But Ahab, the recipes are so simplistic! Any dolt with a pot can make them!" Well, that's not the point of being a total nerd now is it!?


I hope I haven't been left to make these and post pics...


I just read "Uncommon Taste" and I would strongly advise against trying out the recipe for "Sunlight Souffle". If you add a cup of nutmeg to the rest of the ingredients listed, you're just asking for trouble. You will taste nothing else except nutmeg and you might be putting your health at risk in the process. Check the section about "Psychoactivity and toxicity" in the nutmeg article on wikipedia.


Don't try this at home, people :yucky: .



Edited by BioyCassares
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I'm wondering if anyone has made either of the recipes in the book Uncommon Taste, or other recipes from Skyrim (as best they can given the non-real nature of some ingredients? They sound delicious, as do a lot of the recipes in Skyrim! I know, I know "But Ahab, the recipes are so simplistic! Any dolt with a pot can make them!" Well, that's not the point of being a total nerd now is it!?


I hope I haven't been left to make these and post pics...


I just read "Uncommon Taste" and I would strongly advise against trying out the recipe for "Sunlight Souffle". If you add a cup of nutmeg to the rest of the ingredients listed, you're just asking for trouble. You will taste nothing else except nutmeg and you might be putting your health at risk in the process. Check the section about "Psychoactivity and toxicity" in the nutmeg article on wikipedia.


Don't try this at home, people :yucky: .



Yeah, just caught that. Still want to see someone in pelts in the frozen hinterlands make a video of making this stuff in a cast iron pot suspended over a fire and upload it to the utube. without the lethal levels of nutmeg, of course.

Edited by SmilingAhab
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As someone whose favorite "sweet spice" is nutmeg, I was actually rather taken aback by the recipe in Uncommon Taste for "Sunlight Souffle". Anyone who tries this recipe in real life is taking a serious chance because one teaspoon of nutmeg is likely to produce toxic effects in the average person. These include: intoxication, hallucinations, nausea/vomiting, seizures, diarrhea/dehydration, and accelerated heart rate. I probably left some out, but I'm just citing them off the top of my head.


For those who don't have the inclination to follow up on all that, "Sunlight Souffle" is poison! Straight and simple. It's probably also unpalatable, since that much nutmeg will override the taste of everything else, and mostly what you'll be tasting is the fire and bitterness in the spice. In my own opinion, Bethesda was wrong to have not considered the possibility that some poor fool gamer out there is going to make this stuff, eat the whole thing, and likely become a fatality. The world is full of stupid people. Someone is going to do it, I'm sure. Oh, well -- another candidate for the Darwin Award, I suppose. "OK, everyone! All of you with no brains ... out of the gene pool!"


I'm not even sure what the effects of a full cup of nutmeg will do to the human system, but a mere 5 grams is considered the toxic dose. Let me put that in familiar terms. "Sunlight Souffle" makes four servings, each of which will have 1/4 cup of nutmeg. A typical "small" container of nutmeg (the kind that's about 2" tall) is approximately 1/4 cup and has 28 grams of nutmeg. This means that a single serving of "Sunlight Souffle" contains nearly one and a half times the accepted toxic dose of nutmeg!


Just a word to the wise.

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Thanks for making me look crazy ;) I know it's too much nutmeg, it was obviously either a typo or Bethesda employees don't know how to cook and subsist on the standard geek diet of ramen and Red Bull. I edited my last post to show that I wanted pelt-clad Vikings to cook the EDITED recipe.


Or Bethesda employees have a twisted way of poisoning their enemies! :devil:

Edited by SmilingAhab
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We had a particularly cold and windy winter this past season. Because of this, I decided that I wanted to try some apple cabbage stew. The first time I made it, I put in too much vegetable oil. The second time, however, it was perfect.


So, I made a batch of that and heated it up whenever it got chilly. That stuff lasted forever too.


I would totally make that (video) in a frozen field once winter rolls around again. Some parts of Minnesota look almost exactly like Skyrim.




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We had a particularly cold and windy winter this past season. Because of this, I decided that I wanted to try some apple cabbage stew. The first time I made it, I put in too much vegetable oil. The second time, however, it was perfect.


So, I made a batch of that and heated it up whenever it got chilly. That stuff lasted forever too.


I would totally make that (video) in a frozen field once winter rolls around again. Some parts of Minnesota look almost exactly like Skyrim.




Gotta love that boreal forest! A passenger train runs from my city to Alaska and goes through the northern edge of the Rockies in Alberta. Figure that's as Skyrim as it gets short of Hammerfest, Norway.

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Some parts of Minnesota look almost exactly like Skyrim.

o_O Except for the parts with the mountains! (Fellow Minnesotan here)


Very true. There are some pretty crazy hills in Duluth, though! :P


I still don't understand why on earth someone decided to start building houses on that zig-zaggy hill bit. It's almost impossible to get up them when they're icy.

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They've both been done in real life actually lol Here's Potage le Magnifique, Potage


And here is Sunlight Souffle, they reduce the nutmeg of course,


I'm hoping a video crops up of Potage, maybe there is one but I missed it, oh well, it looks disgusting lol According to the article it's as bad as it looks.

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