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CK new NPC's head and body texture miss match


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I apologize for the redundancy since I know the solution has already been found, however I forgot the steps and spent the better half of 30 minutes searching for the topic I read about it in with no luck. I remember you have to hit ctrl+F4 as well as have to edit the 'Base head Parts' section and if I remember right the 'Is CharGen face Preset' had something to do with it as well. Any help is appreciated.


EDIT: Prior to creating this topic it didn't even occur to me to search my history -_-;;


Soooo, sorry for flooding the forums <_<;;


If there's anyone still unaware, here's the solution. Big thanks to xwolvenx


Ok... out of trial and error I noticed that in the construction kit, the face needs to be selected in " Base Head Parts" under the character gen parts tab. There are only 2 choices. Default and the face of the race you have selected. Select the face (should say something like " defaultheadbreton {def} " as an example) after you get done with fixing up your npc accept changes by pressing ok. then find your npc in the Actors subfolder in the object veiw. Click cntrl-f4 as you normally would to export the facegen file to the regular format for the game. Try it out and please report back with your findings.. this seems to work 100% for me.

Edited by Y05H1
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