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invincible dragons


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hey there.

sorry for spamming every skyrim forum with this problem. but no one gives me an reply....

does anybody knows, where i can chance some scripts for dragons or knows some console command?

all of my dragons dont take any damage.

i deinstalled all skyrim, steam and any mod folder and reinstalled skyrim. but nothing seems to work.

i have no idea what to do.

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Maybe the reason nobody is replying is because they really don't understand your problem. I don't either, but I'll at least acknowledge that you may have one. I have no idea why you can't do damage to dragons. I've never had that problem, and I've never heard of anyone else having it. Maybe you're not dealing out enough damage to affect them significantly. If that's the case then you need to re-evaluate how you're playing the game, because a very low level character can, with a little help from the Whiterun guards, take out the dragon at the Western Watchtower near Whiterun.
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Maybe the reason nobody is replying is because they really don't understand your problem. I don't either, but I'll at least acknowledge that you may have one. I have no idea why you can't do damage to dragons. I've never had that problem, and I've never heard of anyone else having it. Maybe you're not dealing out enough damage to affect them significantly. If that's the case then you need to re-evaluate how you're playing the game, because a very low level character can, with a little help from the Whiterun guards, take out the dragon at the Western Watchtower near Whiterun.



well, im playing on master settings with my lv 63 heavy armored mage and make quiet good dmg with all my enchanted gear. but that not the point:)

the dragons DONT TAKE ANY dmg. not even from 3 mammoths and giants at the same time:(


even if i put the gamplay settings back to novice....


im really helpless with this...


do somebody knows how i can import my main save character to a new game? because i think my save is somehow messed up.

i dont know how. i was playing. saved the game, eaten something, went back to my pc and played again. at this time, the dragons was invincible.

the only mod i was uptating is Deadly Dragons. but this mod is not the cause of my problem. after several trying to deactivate my mods, and unsinstall the whole steam and skyrim thing. nothing works

so i guess it is my save

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I've played with Deadly Dragons and wound up un-installing that mod because of a few bugs and the way it was apparently interacting with another mod that made dragons totally overwhelming. If that's the only mod you had that affected dragons, then I suspect it's the culprit in your problem, even if it was a glitch and not an actual bug.


If disabling all mods, creating a clean save, and running from that save doesn't solve this issue, then your save game is bugged and there's basically nothing you can probably do about it. Importing your entire character might not even be possible, but I'm not the one to comment on that. I do know you can import your character's face from one save game to another, though.


I hope you get your problem straightened out. I know how frustrating that can be. I'm on playthrough #8 and half of my previous playthroughs were abandoned due to quest and even game-breaking bugs. As I've said, before, Skyrim is incredibly fragile. A butterfly flapping its wings in Riften can break a quest in Solitude. Well, maybe not, but it's almost that bad.

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yeah:) good chaos theorie:)


the only reason im still playing skyrim are the nice dragon fights with the deadly dragons mod.

otherwise the game is just to easy even on master settings.

but thanks for your support:)

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  • 1 year later...

I just ran into the same issue, but I don't have any dragon mods on at all.

I was playing, killed a dragon, then a few minutes later I fought another dragon and it didn't take any damage whatsoever from anything that hit it.

It's uh.. It's really annoying.

And it wasn't anything special, either, just a Blood Dragon.

Edited by Zinaida
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  • 3 weeks later...

Even console commands hardly work. The only way to get rid of them is the MarkForDelete command.

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