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Mercantile Experience Advancement


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For increasing Mercantile, does the experience change if you sell 150 arrows all at once, or 1 arrow 150 times? Because I'm doing 150 seperate transactions to sell my items, but I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing it inefficiently.
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You get experience per transaction, not for each item in the transaction. Example: Selling 150 arrows at once would gain 0.4 xp, do the multiplier stuff for major/minor e.t.c aswell, but selling 150 arrows one a time would gain you 0.4 xp per arrow sold, so that would be 0.4 X 150 = 60 xp, again do multiplier stuff for major skills e.t.c. the 0.4 is the vale of xp you get according to the construction set b.t.w


So to sum it up, you get more experience for selling items one at a time, there is a mod to allow you to hold the control key while clicking an item to sell them one at a time time instead of going through the scroll bar every time. Toggleable Quantity Prompt

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