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Creating Followers with pets


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I've created several followers for my game. All seem to work as expected. I then attempted to add a pet to two of them. The pet will follow them but will not fight, unless directly attacked. Here's what I've done:


Created a Dog NPC from scratch

Made him Essential and Unique

Added the defaultIgnoreFriendlyHits script

Set his Race, Skin, and Voice Type to dog

Set his Factions to Creature Faction

Created 3 new factions

- zdogFaction - which made him an Ally of my NPC

- zTJGrottoFaction - which is just a Faction to which my NPC and dog both belong

- Also made a Faction for my NPC which made him an Ally of the dog

Created a Relationship where my NPC is the parent, and the dog is the Child, and Relationship is set to Ally

AI Data - Aggression set to Aggresive, Confidence set to Foolhardy, Assistance set to Help Friends and Allies, Combat Style set to csDog

Created a new AI Package for dog to follow NPC

- Target to Follow set to NPC

- Set Radius for min and max

- Accompany set to True


That's pretty much it. As I said, I can get the dog to follow my NPC, but it won't attack with the NPC. In fact, it seems to follow the "chicken" logic and actually do exactly what the chickens do. The dog is standing next to a chicken, I initiate a fight, the NPC joins in, the dog and chicken run up the road a ways and wait. I'm guessing I'm missing something fundamental, but have no idea what it might be. I had a friend, who has made a dog follower for his NPC work, take a look at this and can't figure out why it wont work either.


Any ideas on how to make a dog, or any creature, follow an NPC?

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Ok, since I'm obviously breaking new ground here I'll keep trying to get it to work and document my progress here.


First up I will try creating a new Race for the pet. Shouldn't change anything, which is why I haven't tried in the past, but it also shouldn't hurt anything.


Also, from now on I'll stick to working on a dog. That SHOULD be easiest to work with since Hunters have them in game already. Once I get that working I'll branch off to more exotic pets for my NPC's, which should work similarly, but you never know with the CK...

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I duplicated the CompanionDog race, and set my follower dog to use it. No change.

I fiddled with the Factions. No change.

I modified the Relationships. No change.

I changed everything I can get my hands on. No change. :wallbash:


What the dog seems to be doing is whenever there is any sort of violence on the part of my NPC, it turns and runs. My NPC summoned a Frost Atronatch (sp?), which killed everyone around, but as long as it was active the dog stayed away. As soon as the Atronatch disappeared, the dog came running to be by his master (my NPC). Not sure what this means, but it's interesting.


I will see if I can find the Hunters that have dogs following them and see if anything in there can explain why this is not working.

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here what i did, i took the wolf master mod and replaced the alpha wolf with a follower, the regular wolfs still worked and fought like they should.


other than the follower growling when u run into it. it works great

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here what i did, i took the wolf master mod and replaced the alpha wolf with a follower, the regular wolfs still worked and fought like they should.


other than the follower growling when u run into it. it works great


Thanks for the info, I will check it out. Maybe can figure out how it's done in that mod...

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