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Sparks instead of blood for armored characters


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So I just got done watching Black Panther and, as I usually do when I get through watching a superhero movie, I took to modding Fallout 4 to play as T'Challa in the wasteland and an idea crossed my mind. In Fallout 4 ballistic weave is a thing and there is a mod for Black Panther armor so I got what is essentially a vibranium suit just like in the movie however one of the things that I thought made Black Panther so freaking cool was the fact that bullets just spark off his armor. Which brings me here. I don't mod so i don't know how hard it'd be to do but if there could be a mod that makes your character spark instead of spray blood while they are armored then that'd be awesome. I was thinking maybe you could add a new type of ballistic weave that, when equipped, classifies the armor as power armor or something like that so that the armor would spark on impact. That way I could walk through bullet and not look like I just lost half the blood in my body while i take little to no damage. Also I'm aware that the "NO BLOOD" mod exists but as far as I can tell it just takes blood out of the game and replaces it all together which is not really what I want.

Edited by KingOfAxes1
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