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Skyrim A quality world map bug


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Right now on my world map all the water is this extremely weird cyan color, can anyone help me?



Another bug I have is when I try to transform into a werewolf it glitches out and I end up being like half werewolf have human, and able to use my sword still! I think this is because of moonlight tales, I tried uninstalling it!

Edited by DiscoOstrich
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I'm not sure which mods you are using but if your using realistic water two with watercolor for enb that could be the cause for the water being that color?


As for moonlight tales I'm not too familiar with the mod but if you have already uninstalled it (Which was probably not a good idea) you should clean your save game using https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/ and it may help after it's uninstalled.

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