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Can't open "Data Files" in launcher


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Hey Guys!


I'm having problems with my mods. I downloaded about 25 mods and none of them works. I know why. I can't open the Data Files folder in the launcher. You guys are probably thinking that i need to write "bEnableFileSelection=1" [launcher], but i already have that written. I have no idea why it doesn't work and could someone please help!?

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You already described what you need to do, but you probably did it wrong.

It needs to be in SkyrimPrefs.ini and it needs to look like this:


Edited by Werne
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Are you supposed to have some other documents or something in the "Skyrim" folder? beqause I only have the skyrimprefs.ini and i think i read something about something else that's supposed to be there.

There are two "SkyrimPrefs.ini" files. The one that you need to edit is in the folder where your gamesaves are stored, which is usually located in the "Documents\My Games\Skyrim" directory.

The other one is located in the game's main installation folder, and the full file-path should be something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini". edited both files just to be safe, but the former is the one that matters.

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Is it the same thing if you have it on disc and not on Steam?


Both are on steam, the game from the disc requires steam to run too, if you don't have it, it will automatically be installed. And both are the same, only pirated copies are different due to change in code in order to circumvent the DRM.


And as trees415 said, DO NOT edit the SkyrimPrefs.ini in steam/steamapps/common/skyrim. You need to edit the one in My Documents/My Games/Skyrim.

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Is it not supposed to say "bEnableFileSelection=1" in the skyrimprefs in the Skyrim folder in the place where the "Data" folder is?




Or is it possible to enable mods without going to "Data Files" in the launcher?


It's possible to enable mods like that, but you still need that line in SkyrimPrefs.ini, otherwise they won't load.


And by the way, where is your game located (mine is in D:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim) and what is your game version (is it updated)?

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C:/Program Files (x86)/The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim/ is where I have my skyrim folders. I think I have version



And how do I enable them without accessing the launcher?


Non-steam directory installation, outdated game....


User banned for piracy - TVD.

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