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New Strain of Vampirism


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Basically, I'm wanting a mod that could maybe add a new strain of vampirism, mainly meant for argonians, but it could also run with khajiit if you want it too. My idea is if you play an argonian, and you go and become a vampire, I'd like the option of making a request of Molag Bal, or some other daedra, whoever really to make you a much stronger vampire.


They could oblige, and create for you a new strain of vampirism at a cost though. Say maybe as an argonian, you lose your scales, your skin becomes smooth, and possibly mucussy or slippery, and you lose your eyes, essentially, you turn from a lizard, to an albino cave amphibian; but you gain new vampire powers that allow you to see despite the lack of eyes, and you also regenerate constantly, but should your skin not be covered, in something to protect you from the sun, then you may, take damage of some sort unless you go into water.


I also kinda wanna suggest a disguise of some sort as well, like say you want to go into town, and get some stuff, maybe you could be allowed to murder an argonian and slip into their skin as a suit, even maybe find glass eyes. Also suggest maybe other than the need for blood, maybe you could also require a sort of lotion to put onto your skin to protect from the sun, should you go out during the day, since you no longer have scales.


I might also suggest maybe you take more damage since you lack your scales, but could also rely on alteration to turn your skin into harder material such as stone or iron.

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