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Combat improvement discussion


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The combat is good, but have a lot of issues. I really want to get into the details to try and improve and expand the depth.


To do that, I need to figure out a few things. There is a guide in how to edit perks. I also want to add items, change items in the game. Control what is sold and so on. I also want to tweak the combat mechanics in real ways, such as movement on the bows, how much they jiggle, etc.


So I rewrote this post to ask for a few things. Hopefully there is already a modders guide that I have not found for some reason. Otherwise I would appreciate any and all input.


- How to: Add new items, how to add those items to vendor lists. Alter how much they cost, etc.

- How to: Alter stats on enemies, alter how quickly they get scared, and how often they attack.

- How to: Edit position and size of UI elements, and how to do more than just re-touch the main_hud.dds

- How to: Edit combat effects. Such as stamina cost of swing, hit sepparated from miss, and so on.


I fully understand the current limitations on modding. But if someone has an idea that might work, I would love to hear about it and experiment during the evenings of this weekend.


Here is an example of what I want to do.


End goal: Remove the ability to loot an entire camp and get insane amounts of groschen (currently at 20k in my playthrough. No need to haggle).

My current idea: Edit the weight of items to 600 weight-units. Add a perk automatically unlocked at the start of the game that reduces equipped items weight to 1%.


Another one would be.

End Goal: Add the ability to equip a secondary weapon. One better suited for specific enemies/situations.

My current idea: There should be a controller that dictates what weapons is tied to the "ranged equip" button. But it would be useful to not have to enter the menu just to change from longsword to anti-plate armor.


And a third one would be.

End Goal: Front heavy weapons cost more stamina when missing a swing.

My current idea: ???


Final example

End Goal: Make full plate armor have draw-backs. Primarily running in full-plate with drain your stamina very quickly. And jumpin is not really a thing.

My Idea: ???

Edited by IGSpelly
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