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Awful Lighting/Shadowing Problem


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I was wondering if anyone has the same lighting/shadow problem that I have or a solution to fix it.


When you move into a shadowy area, not only does it go dark around you, but the whole game world darkens too. Even places still out in the sunlight go dark. It ruins the game because whenever you are walking around everything keeps flashing from sunlit to shadows. It looks horrible.


Here are two screen shots to show what I mean...


Here I am in the sun. Everything is bright and normal.



Here I take a couple steps backwards, and suddenly everything that was just in the sun, is now shadowed.



Note - I tried every setting on the visual options and updated the my video card driver.


Please help.

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I'm having that problem too. It happens everywhere. Mostly outside. Do you also have lines in the shadows too?


I don't think so. I know what you mean, I've seen them in other tech trouble posts, but so far I believe that doesn't affect me.


If you ever find a solution, I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know. Likewise, I will do the same.

Edited by thefusilier
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Try updating your Graphics card Drivers, these kinds of problems usually are because your drivers are not the latest ones for your card, if that is not the issue here then idk what it could be as I have not experienced such a problem, I just know having the latest drivers solves about 95% of graphics issues.
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