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move/delete savefile prefabs


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Is there a way to delete/move prefabs that are moved/placed by the player in the CK?


So say we place a RemovableTorchSconce01 with a script saying that the sconce will on clicking place a RemovableTorch01. If a change is made to the .ESP in CK deleting or moving that sconce the scone will move but not the placed RemovableTorch01 because the savefile sees the objects was technically dropped at that location.


Same thing for Books/Weapons etc on racks, if the player places it via a script then the .esp cannot be modified to change the location of the objects because the save file sees it where it was dropped.


The only way I have went around this so far is by making the RemovableTorch01 clickable and on clicking it the torch gets picked up.

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