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Weight painting


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Hi so I have been working on a bit of a personal project (a converision actually) and am stuck as too how I should weight paint it, I am doing this project for new vegas and am wondering since it has a lot of spikes and such if I should make the extra detail seperate from the torso and arms or if I should weight paint them with the arms and torso.


also is it alright if I weight the torso solid red ? I am rather new to this heh



sorry if this made little sense.


thanks for your time

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I have always found it hard to get weight painting to come out right. Try bone weight copy first, to get it in the ballpark, then you can try weight painting to fix what you're not happy with, or just add/remove/modify vertices from different vertex groups manually.
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sounds good I noticed that fallouts weight painting is much simpler compared to say oblivion most parts are either weighted at 1 or 0 which seems easier to do then say morrowinds of oblivion.


I definatly could be wrong


Edit: and I was wrong sort of the bip 01 are painted with diffrent weights lord this is going to take awhile, oh well part of learning I guess

Edited by thatsameguy
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Since you're weighting spikes, you'll have to partially apply the paint manually. First, as quetzl.....(sorry, mate: your name's too long to type :)) said, use Bone Weight Copy. Before you actually paint, select the bone, and press Ctrl-Tab. When you're done, you'll have to enter Weight Paint mode in Blender for your mesh, just select your mesh and press Ctrl-Tab.


This is the tricky part. Weight is outputted in levels of red and blue, with red meaning it's 100% reliant on that bone, and blue 0%. Colours in-between represent something in between. So, colour would go,from 0% to 100%, like this:









Now, say you have a spike near the collarbone. Select your collarbone bone. You'll see the spikes change colour. Your current weight is specified near the bottom. With that in mind, when painting spikes, match the end of the spike's colour with the root. Match it as best you can.

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