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Why am i SO BORED with this game?


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"I played Oblivion more." Well there you have it. How long can you play the same game before you get bored? Let's face it, Skyrim is Oblivion with improved graphics, crafting and a simplified leveling up system. With a team of skilled modders, you could turn Oblivion into Skyrim. So in reality most of us played Oblivionrim for quite a while now.

Exactly how i feel about this, i think thats the reason why i cant start to play skyrim seriously, i restarted my character like 30 times now, for some reason the only thing that makes me fired up is starting a new character, but as soon as i get to certain level and start to do certain quests im again back where i was, bored...for me the improvement from oblivion to skyrim is minimal and in many ways not an improvement at all and even putting hundreds of good mods in, didnt changed my feel about it at all...the core of the game is pure uncreative shallowness.


But thats just my opinion.

So...What do you think about Oblivion? Do you think it was Better Than Skyrim?

It's far more easy to enjoy this game if you are playing it on PC, (I'm assuming you do have one)

You have all these mods at your disposal ect. and you haven't had as many problems on PC as I'm having on PS3 with this game.

But i can Understand what your saying about creating Loads of characters...


So many glitches one after the other...terrible. I was so looking forward to this game. I had played morrowind on Xbox and PC.

The first game i got for My Xbox 360 was Oblivion - I PLAYED THAT GAME TO DEATH. I swear i had trouble loading the game because i had created about 25+ different characters. ( Character O.C.D, same thing happened with Skyrim )

I'm more aware now how flawed Oblivion was then, with all the bugs and glitches and so on...But back when i was playing it i didn't even care how glitchy it was... I probably didn't know what a glitch was! The standard of quality i have come to expect from games has raised since then. :mellow:

I don't know.... It's like Bethesda is begging me to stop playing the game.


Bethesda. Fix this Water glitch I'm sick and tired of it.

I can't even do a main story quest, because the place i need to get to is surrounded by water.

I should be able to play a game i payed60 Euros for.

Sigh. :sad:

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"I played Oblivion more." Well there you have it. How long can you play the same game before you get bored? Let's face it, Skyrim is Oblivion with improved graphics, crafting and a simplified leveling up system. With a team of skilled modders, you could turn Oblivion into Skyrim. So in reality most of us played Oblivionrim for quite a while now.

Exactly how i feel about this, i think thats the reason why i cant start to play skyrim seriously, i restarted my character like 30 times now, for some reason the only thing that makes me fired up is starting a new character, but as soon as i get to certain level and start to do certain quests im again back where i was, bored...for me the improvement from oblivion to skyrim is minimal and in many ways not an improvement at all and even putting hundreds of good mods in, didnt changed my feel about it at all...the core of the game is pure uncreative shallowness.


But thats just my opinion.

So...What do you think about Oblivion? Do you think it was Better Than Skyrim?

It's far more easy to enjoy this game if you are playing it on PC, (I'm assuming you do have one)

You have all these mods at your disposal ect. and you haven't had as many problems on PC as I'm having on PS3 with this game.

But i can Understand what your saying about creating Loads of characters...


So many glitches one after the other...terrible. I was so looking forward to this game. I had played morrowind on Xbox and PC.

The first game i got for My Xbox 360 was Oblivion - I PLAYED THAT GAME TO DEATH. I swear i had trouble loading the game because i had created about 25+ different characters. ( Character O.C.D, same thing happened with Skyrim )

I'm more aware now how flawed Oblivion was then, with all the bugs and glitches and so on...But back when i was playing it i didn't even care how glitchy it was... I probably didn't know what a glitch was! The standard of quality i have come to expect from games has raised since then. :mellow:

I don't know.... It's like Bethesda is begging me to stop playing the game.


Bethesda. Fix this Water glitch I'm sick and tired of it.

I can't even do a main story quest, because the place i need to get to is surrounded by water.

I should be able to play a game i payed60 Euros for.

Sigh. :sad:

My problem isnt oblivion being better then skyrim, the problem is, skyrim is basicaly oblivion...i played just as you, Morrowind and Oblivion to death and thats why i have problems to get in to skyrim, because the oblivion deja vu is so big for me..i got sick and tired of oblivion, since i played it so much, i loved it (modded) but i had enough and if you strip skyrims flashy kill moves, better graphics its basicaly the same old gameplay system that never felt to me as an improvement.


I still laugh when i remember one skyrim preview where was written how your swings with weapons let you feel/see the impact when hitting someone, its the same old paper slashing as it was in oblivion and many other hypes.


For me the TES universe always sounded good only on paper, the games never made it just (well maybe except Morrowind), but thats because of the shallowness and generic world/characters they always create...its as if someone was reading a book about vikings where was written how to create a viking looking character and then they applied it, but never really used their own immagination/creativity to put together the much needed unique atmosphere.


There are many people on the pc having problems just as you have, i might have been lucky with a few occasional ctds and corrupted saves, but as i said thats not the real problem i have.

Should that make me happy...well it does not, i wish it would...i probably became i spoiled brat.

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Sorry to butt in on your post, but I just wanted to say It wouldn't be so bad if your so-called "Companion" didn't do a runner everytime your back's turned either. I'm so fed up with halting quests to go find her or use the damn console, I've lost count how much I've spent on horses for her too. We also got married but even that's changed, no cooking commands or anything. There's more bugs in this than in the old Ant Attack game.
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I know you said you've been trying some mods to specifically address your loot and crafting issues, but have you looked at these ones?


The loot section of PISE alters loot levels on vendors, dungeons, npc's



Complete Crafting Overhaul - so you can't grind up vanilla smithing on daggers or bracers



Smithing Perks Overhaul - to further balance vanilla Smithing



Balanced Crafting Project - reworks and nerfs the overpowered smithing and enchanting altogether



Third Era Attributes for Skyrim - if you're feeling nostalgic for Oblivion's stat system


Edited by Jagman
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Looking at this thread now, it's kind of humorous. Two or three days after Skyrim was released, I had called it Oblivion with a bunch of snow and dragons. And it really is. That's all I've ever seen Skyrim as: A brain-damaged Oblivion with its winter mittens on. Bethesda pulled a fast one with Skyrim. All there is to it. That's not even to say Skyrim is horrible as games go. It can be fun near the beginning, but it's not to be taken seriously as a separate TES game.
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I absolutely hated Oblivion. The color scheme of the Oblivion planes gave me eyestrain and headaches.


I am on my fifth playthrough of Skyrim. I find the world to be too small from a population point of view. I think there are more Draugrs than people. There are definitely not enough children and there is way too much underground tunneling having gone on in the past.


The "war" between empire and stormcloaks is just a bunch of skirmishes. Some mods aimed to fix that, but usually ended up overloading the game engine (especially the save mechanism) for entry spec computers. Skyrim is a beautiful small battle tactical simulator, but it does not do laundry or wash windows.


The real beauty of the game is the world itself. The terrain, lighting, fog, etc... all collide to make it pleasurable to walk around and explore.

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Looking at this thread now, it's kind of humorous. Two or three days after Skyrim was released, I had called it Oblivion with a bunch of snow and dragons. And it really is. That's all I've ever seen Skyrim as: A brain-damaged Oblivion with its winter mittens on. Bethesda pulled a fast one with Skyrim. All there is to it. That's not even to say Skyrim is horrible as games go. It can be fun near the beginning, but it's not to be taken seriously as a separate TES game.

I couldn't disagree more. I mean, I LOVED Oblivion. I played it through at LEAST 8-10 times. The last 2 times I played it, I absolutely loved it because I had got a new computer and was able to max out all the detail and distant stuff that I couldn't do before. In fact, the first time I played Oblivion, I had to turn everything down practically to zero. I also installed a lot of mods the last time, and that made it an even better experience.


But, I am in complete and total AWE of Skyrim. For me (and of course, this is my opinion on MY experience) this game is a huge departure from Oblivion in so many ways. The feel of the game, the NPC behaviours, the quests.....everything has a different flavour to it, a newness, a freshness........


Each and every time I played Oblivion, I played it one way, and one way only....... run around and kill things. For the first 4 hours I played Skyrim, I just sort of wandered around with my mouth hanging open, drinking in the atmosphere and the incredible graphics of this game. But there is SO much more than that. I have found myself playing it much differently. For one thing, I am SO NOT in a hurry. I'll do quests, but I role play it, and just wander around like my character would. I hang out in the taverns, and sit and listen to the bards, drink the ale and listen to the conversation (until it repeats too often) I stroll around the town at night, and explore the countryside at random during the day. As I said, I do the quests, but I'm in no hurry. I use smithing, and I tan hides, I experiment with alchemy and I want to try enchanting. There is so much of a rich tapestry in this game that I cannot fathom anyone who enjoys a role-playing game, becoming bored with it.


I played WoW for about a year. I played on a standard server. While everyone else was doing raids, challenging people to duels and attacking towns, I was busy making a ton of gold harvesting raw materials and selling them at the auction, It was the most fun I ever had in a game. I'm feeling that again in Skyrim. A role-playing game can be so much more than just fighting.


Each to his/her own, I suppose.

Edited by Sandatharius
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Now, I'm trying to get back into it and there are even more glitches after the patch then before the patch.

I don't know... I lost interest in the main story quite quickly, (I'm trying to pass it now but that damn water glitch is just awful)

Whereas I felt compelled to complete the main quest in Oblivion.

Oh well. :mellow:

What water glitch? My game is running like a top. No CTDs. No glitches. No issues with water (standing water or running water) So far, all I've noticed is a very rare and occasional strobing on a couple of textures in dungeons. I have no problems with water (either in it, near it or around it)

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If killing stuff is all you wanna do... play something else sheesh -.-

I can personally direct you to a bunch of mindless games that require any kind of though wich i'm sure you aren't capable of in the first pls, so feel free to PM if you want those games.

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But, I am in complete and total AWE of Skyrim. For me (and of course, this is my opinion on MY experience) this game is a huge departure from Oblivion in so many ways. The feel of the game, the NPC behaviours, the quests.....everything has a different flavour to it, a newness, a freshness........



And that's perfectly ok, encouraged even. It's differing tastes and points of view that make the world go 'round. I'm glad you (and others) enjoy Skyrim. I really did want to like it, but it was just missing too many things I enjoyed from the previous games for it to hold my interest for long.

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