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How to track mod files assocaited with a save?


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Hey all -


So I took a break from Skyrim for a few months, and I think I may have upgradeds mods or foolishly tinkered with something while I was away, because upon returning I have the dreaded "this save relies on content not present" message, and when loading get flickering black squares all over the place (and some broken water - I think I may have accidentally upgraded ye olde Revised Water). So there are two questions:


1. Is there any way to see what mods - and what versions - are associated with a save file so I can restore my install to that state?


2. Are there any pre-2.0 RWT versions around? I can't find any and I think that may be the culprit.


Thanks much for any help you can provide - I don't really have the time or inclination to start from scratch, so if I can't get this resolved I'll never finish the main quest :(

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