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I need help with Object Appereance Momment


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Ok well in my mod, well im stuck cause I dont know how to do the spawning an object at a certain momment...


Ok this is part of my mod:


You are in Hell's Grove Sanctum


You enter with a group of soldiers since theworld is in the brink of death. So yes you are with paladins and you are their commander. You fight the forsaken thing down in the area and you keep going. Then when you fight the boss and wounds it couse its dead and can only be killed at the momment by a higher darker power dissapears. Now you are here to find a relic that shall open the gate to his land.


So my problem is that I have all the stages done till the one that you kill the boss because I want that on that momment the relic appears in your eyes, but I dont find any tutorial doing this.


Also ive seen this done on gamplays like on Fallout 3 and Skyrim at sertain points.


Ok and ill repeat again so if you didnt understand. I want to make the relic appear in the same room at the same momment or a close momment when you killed boss, but dont know how to do that.


Plz help.


Also may you all have good day.

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