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Difficulty Troubles (SSE)


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Once upon a time my difficulty was Master.
I was attempting to do the Meridia quest, where you had to clear out her temple, but I had soon found out that the main enemy dude was way too strong for me to beat, so I decided to give myself a free cheat and set it to Adept mode for a quick sec to try and beat him.
He was still too strong, I said f*#@ it and I loaded up a previous save, right when I entered the temple, went out of the temple and set my difficulty back to Master...
Or so I thought.

Flash to me journeying to Riften and on my trip I ran into some bandits...I killed them way too easily. I checked my damage modifier...using the handy command
player.getav attackdamagemult
and it told me, even though in settings it says master, that my Damage Mult was 1.00 (which is the setting for adept)


To restate: When I go into gameplay settings it tells me that I'm on master, but if I look at my damage multiplier it implies that I am on adept. Also, when I first went into SkyrimPrefs (before trying to edit it) it said iDifficulty: 2 even though the game tells me that it's master.

(if it were master it would say iDifficulty:4)

Soooo I looked on the interwebs and used the following methods to try and fix it:

Disable combat mods
Go into default launcher (not SKSE) and set the difficulty, save, go onto SKSE and then start a new dude
Go into the SkyrimPref scripts and set the iDifficulty to 4
Switching from Adept to Master/Novice to Adept to Master...ect.
Uninstalling the game, reinstalling and making a completely new character.
Making a completely new character.
Going to SkyrimPref's properties and changing Read-Only off. (last attempt made as of yet)

All of these didn't work and my situation remained the same. My mod list is huge AF. Are there any methods involving me not trying the tedious work of uninstalling all of my mods?


Mods and their load order are attached.

I am currently running:


SKSE Version: 2.0.6

Nexus Mod Manger Version: 0.63.14


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