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Baldur's Gate NPC mods


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For anyone who have ever played Baldur's Gate knows that it is one of THE greatest RPG of all time.


And I am just wondering if anyone can make a Baldur's Gate mod, say NPC mod.


with our favorite characters from Baldur's Gate 1&2, like MINSC and BOO."Go for the eyes boo, go for the eyes!!"

or evil Viconia or the sex changing Edwin/a, or the righteous Sir Keldron, or Jan Jansen with his goggles and crossbow, or the ever whining Aerie...etc.


It would be wonderful if someone can bring back those NPCs and make them some sort of follower. Just a thought.

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Are you wanting them to be companions? I have every baldur's gate item of data ever released on my hard drive, and I can definitely put the sound files to the game. I can even make the NPCs, but if you are wanting a companion mod.....I am not versed enough to do the scripting for it, unfortunately.


Find me someone who can, and I will make it.

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Are you wanting them to be companions? I have every baldur's gate item of data ever released on my hard drive, and I can definitely put the sound files to the game. I can even make the NPCs, but if you are wanting a companion mod.....I am not versed enough to do the scripting for it, unfortunately.


Find me someone who can, and I will make it.

That is my plan.

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Now I feel a need to get started on making an Imoen hireling in NPC Editor.

Please, for the love of all that is good on this planet, don't make her skanky. We have enough birthday suit mods here, thank you.


I don't know how anyone can manage to make Imoen skanky. Sweet Imoen (BG1) is too cutesy for her to still be Imoen if you gave her anything less than "tasteful-skimpy" and Jaded Imoen (BG2) would look 40 with more makeup.

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I have one thing to say ... Nahal's Reckless Dweomer. Loved that spell. Wabbajack is a start but not enough effects for my liking. If it had more effects I would love it. I had a table of 10,000 effects I downloaded from one of the ADnD sites and loved playing a wild mage just to roll on the table. Some very comical effects. The best was when the target's skeleton ripped it's self out of the target and ran off.
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