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Too Stupid to download mods. Need help!


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Hi!!! Recently

I was having trouble getting FNIS to work since I always get this error....

FNIS Behavior V7.1.1 2/25/2018 1:45:08 PM

Generator: C:\Users\*******\Downloads\Skyrim Mods\Mods\FNIS Behavior SE 7.1.1\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exe
>>Warning: Bad installation. Generator not run from <Skyrim_Data>\Tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users. If you use a mod manager, run FNIS from its list of supported tools.<<
Skyrim SE 64bit: ??.??.?? - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ (Steam)
Expected generator path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users

Skeleton(hkx) female: Default (99 bones) male: Default (99 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"

Reading FNISBase V7.1.1 ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
Alternate Animation mods: 0 sets: 0 total groups: 0 added file slots: 0 alternate files: 0

Creature Pack not installed

0 animations for 1 mods successfully included (character).
1 Warning(s).

Now i was told to fix the location and since everything was a mess I deleted everything to the trash bin and uninstalled Skyrim and reinstalled. Now I tried everything fresh but I'm STILL getting the error after installing FNIS. I can no longer find the original FNIS that was causing a problem now. ANYONE know what I can do? :sad:

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Welcome to Nexus! :smile:


If I were you I would uninstall everything then reinstall SSE outside of the UAC-protected C:\Program Files(x86) folder since UAC is known to prevent certain program to work properly.


After you have launched SSE and make sure you can start a new game, perhaps make a normal save then reload that gamesave just to see if everything is working before installing mods.


Then install SKSE64 and follow the instructions of how to make it working. After that you should install LOOT, SSEEdit, and Wrye Bash since these tools are essential for any mod user.


All these tools can downloaded on Nexus, but I suggest that jump over to AFK Mods and ask the people there for how to setup a modded SSE with these tools I mention. :smile:

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which mod manager do you use? have you made sure to run FNIS through your mod manager?

also , what do you mean by


I can no longer find the original FNIS that was causing a problem now

? not sure I understand.......

I had that error the first time I downloaded FNIS manually, then I downloaded again through NMM and still got that error. i uninstalled SKyrim including all the mods and re installed FNIS with NMM but it STILL gives me that error

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