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Made a Merchant - Now Vanilla Merchants Fubarred


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Happy for any help on this one.


As the title says, I made some merchants or vendors and plunked them into the Davakhiin Retreat mod. Now ALL the other vendors in Skyrim have very strange very limited inventories and no gold. I followed this video tutorial to the T:

and my vendors work just fine. If I go to Adrianna the blacksmith in Whiterun however, she has one ring, one pair of clothes and carrots with no money...


Any idea of where to look to figure out how simply adding new actors, containers and factions could mess up all the other vendors in game? I have not edited any of the vanilla stuff, just copied Belethors container and edited that.


I have even tried removing all merchants and everything from the mod, but the vanilla merchants are still fubared.


Thanks for any help on where to look for the source of this bug!

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Sounds like you might have modified one of the vanilla scripts without duplicating it. To get your game back to normal, try verifying the integrity of your local files via Steam.


Thanks for the tip. I am pretty sure I did not accidentally edit any vanilla scripts, but validating the game cache is always a good idea, so I gave it a go... Still no dice... Even if I yank the actors, containers, and factions out of the mod and even delete them from the CK the vanilla vendors are still messed up...


I know Shawkab had a problem with his hideout mod (which is basically what I have edited, putting it together with the retreat mod) where all merchants suddenly had 5000 gold, but I am not using any of his merchants... In fact I deleted all the NPCs and made my own. Any other ideas? Thanks!

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Ok I have looked at all the vendors and containers and everything is as it should be.

I have no other mods that edit vendors adding spell books or anything that I know of.

I have tried changing the load order to no avail.

My merchant is set to have about 7grand, which is a lot but still not tooo crazy.

My merchant sells and buys everything.


If I visit other merchants this is the type of inventory they have.


Messed Up Inventory Pic


It is as if it is a default inventory because they can not access their containers or something.


Happy for any other ideas of where I could look for the source of the error...

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Are you sure that it's your mod doing this? Try loading the game without your mod and then seeing what happens.


If it really is your mod doing this, did you do anything such as mess around with factions or formlists?

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Are you sure that it's your mod doing this? Try loading the game without your mod and then seeing what happens.


If it really is your mod doing this, did you do anything such as mess around with factions or formlists?


Yes, if I load a game with my mod deactivated then all the vanilla merchants work just fine. I have not tried deactivating ALL other mods to see if there is a conflict somewhere, but turning mine off does make the problem go away.


All I did with the factions was create a new faction for the new merchant actor. So basically I have a retreatbartender actor, retreatbartender container and retreatbartender faction. The faction is linked to the container, and the actor is a member of the retreatbartender faction and the jobmerchant faction. Without the jobmerchant faction there is no merchant dialog, i.e. "What have you got for sale?"


I did not do anything with formlists...


Edit: Ok I just read on the Creation Kit about formlists. I did add the basic sandbox AI package to the merchant. I set a sale schedule and sleep schedule as well. Also to avoid the head body mismatch I used the character traits for Muiri and Haelga. All the other checkboxes are unchecked.


I will make some screenshots and upload them...


Thanks for the help!

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Ok here are screenshots of some of the more relevant settings.


Faction & Actor Settings


There did not seem to be anything of interest in the new container. I did however change ownership from NONE to my new actor, but that did not fix the problem either.


When doing this I did not directly edit Shawks mod, but rather copied the cell contents so all the things and scripts like books, quests, vendors, etc did not get copied over, only the vanilla Skyrim elements, so I do not know what else might have been in his mod that could cause this problem. The only changes I made were improved navmeshes and adding storage chests and rearranging some things to better fit my needs and tastes. In other words I do not mess with scripts as that is beyond me. I basically just do interior design...


If you want to have a look at it in the editor yourself, here is the mod:




I have put the label "retreat" in front of everything mod related:


So simply type retreat in the filter for interior, exterior, actors, factions & containers and you should find everything... I added 3 merchants. A duplicate of Belethor that was then duplicated and edited again to make the other 2 merchants.


Thanks for your time help and patience!

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Ok I have just tried editing some of the whiterun merchants directly... I deleted their jobfactions and added them again (e.g. Adrianne JobBlackSmith and JobMerchant factions) and this approach fixed some but not all merchatnts. Of the ones I tried, Adrianne and Farengar now work, but Ulfberth, Belathor, Fraibi Greymane still do not work.


So this can be a partial work around but it means that my mod then has to mess with EVERY vendor in the Skyrim world... Not too happy about that...


A funny thing is it still seems like everybody that should be selling something else, sells food, and guys who should only be selling food (ninkeepers for instance) also sell weapons!


In any case hope this info might give someone else an idea to A) help me fix my problem, or B) Help them fix their problem!


At this point I guess I will either have to A) live with it as I only sell to my 3 vendors anyway and they all work, or B start making my own retreat mod from scratch.

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I've looked over it and I'm stumped as to what's causing it. It's the mod for sure, because if I load my game without any mods, everything is fine, but when I load with only this mod, the merchants are broken.


From what I can tell, there is something preventing them from accessing their merchant containers, and they all buy and sell everything. I've used GetInFaction in the console to make sure that they are in the correct vendor factions to access the containers. I removed them from the faction and added them back in with no results.


I also tried creating a new vendor faction with a new merchant container, but that didn't work either. And I've checked the formlists, but there is nothing wrong with them.

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I've looked over it and I'm stumped as to what's causing it. It's the mod for sure, because if I load my game without any mods, everything is fine, but when I load with only this mod, the merchants are broken.


From what I can tell, there is something preventing them from accessing their merchant containers, and they all buy and sell everything. I've used GetInFaction in the console to make sure that they are in the correct vendor factions to access the containers. I removed them from the faction and added them back in with no results.


I also tried creating a new vendor faction with a new merchant container, but that didn't work either. And I've checked the formlists, but there is nothing wrong with them.



Thanks for going to all that work for me... The 3 merchants that I added seem to work fine, but I do notice if I remove and add a faction to an actor, it might break the selling ability of one of the other merchants. You can COC retreatinside to test out the first merchant or COC retreatcellar to test out the other two.


I also just had another strange bug pop up with the mod too... Wild animals no longer attack me! They go into attack mode, but just stand there and look at me... I have done absolutely nothing with animals in the mod (well there is a player horse in it) but this just seemed to happen out of the blue. Then again my archery skills are so high I usually sneak and one shot animals with my bow, so maybe it has been broken for awhile and I just never noticed...


In any case no idea what I fubarred, but I guess I did a good job at it! Time to go back to the drawing board I guess... Thanks again for the help. Kudos to you!

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