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Creating New Followers


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I'm pretty familiar with the CK...made a couple of mods, but for some reason I'm having trouble with creating Followers. I can create a new NPC assign all the appropriate factions (Potential Follower, Current Follower, Job Beggar Favor) and do all the other steps. I place the NPC into the game and it's hit or miss if it works. When I put the first NPC in somewhere and then load the game, it seems to work with no problem. When I put a 2nd, 3rd, 4th...follower in the same space, they don't have the follower dialogue. Half the time it pops up "Here, have a gold piece" then nothing. They just say "need something", "what can I do for you"...that stuff. Has anyone else encountered this? If so, how do you fix it? I've tried deleting them and starting over with the creating process, but that doesn't work either.


Need advice...tips...

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Sometimes lag prevents dialog from working. Many NPCs in an area can cause lag. It might be that things stopped working for you because you have too many potential followers in one spot.
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Sometimes lag prevents dialog from working. Many NPCs in an area can cause lag. It might be that things stopped working for you because you have too many potential followers in one spot.


I have trouble getting an NPC to use only custom dialogue for everything. For some reason it keeps reusing default sounds even when it shouldn't - any way to get rid of that entirely?



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@ Roarian

If you create a brand new voice type for the NPC and assign it only to that NPC, then there will be a lot of silence when the NPC would be expected to comment, but the NPC will never use any dialog but your custom dialog. You could re-record a bunch of vanilla Skyrim dialog in your voice so that there would not be so much silence.

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I thought it might have something to do with creating more than 1 follower for the same area, but that didn't make any logical sense...but then again a lot of bugs out there make no logical sense. I was hoping someone encountered the same problem and figured out a way around it.
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