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Vigor Testor Retexture


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Hey guys!


The Nexus community is usually super helpful for little road-blocks like this, so I decided to ask a quick question. Sorry for adding another topic to the forum, but it should be quick. XD


The Project Brazil team has been looking for a way to retexture the menu for the vigor tester, which, as far as we can tell, has no GECK item. We have our textures ready and have tried multiple angles of attack, but can't find it in GECK. Is it simply under a different name? The script calls it a "Love Tester," but there isn't a menu or call for for that which I can see. I've spent two days hunting for variations of vig, vito, vigor, tester, menu, etc... >_ <


I tried using achieve invalidation & just placing the textures in the right path, but it has no effect. The mesh in the BSA is meshes\architecture\goodsprings\nv_vitomaticvigortester_activate.nif -- I wouldn't mind just extracting it, and adding it to the F:PB BSA with a new texture set applied, since we want OUR vigor tester SEPARATE from the one in New Vegas. However, I also cant find any of the forms for the actual menu in the vigor testor script, so I can't just redirect the script to our version of the menu. :/


This one is pretty tricky. Let me know what you guys can find. It's one of the last steps before our new starts are ready to show off, so it's really frustrating. XD

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meshes\architecture\goodsprings\nv_vitomaticvigortester_activate.nif appears to be hardcoded in the FalloutNV.exe.


Well that's frustrating. >_< I wonder why they decided to do that? Failed anti-piracy measure? XD That would be hilarious DRM I could approve of!


Hum. Even with the hardcoding, it's getting its textures from "Somewhere ." The textures we made for our vigor tester are unique, but won't really destroy the New Vegas experience if they appear in that game also. It's lore friendly, and just looks like a Vault based machine rather than a random Western-themed thing featuring Vault boy. So we could just replace those textures in the BSA... the question is, is the EXE hardcoded to the BSA files, so they ignore Archive Invalidation?

Edited by Thaiauxn
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Well that's frustrating. >_< I wonder why they decided to do that? Failed anti-piracy measure? XD That would be hilarious DRM I could approve of!


Pure conjecture on my part, but manipulating the mesh to deal with SPECIAL point assignment and switching between the menus probably couldn't be handled in the GECK and so had to be done in code.


Hum. Even with the hardcoding, it's getting its textures from "Somewhere ." The textures we made for our vigor tester are unique, but won't really destroy the New Vegas experience if they appear in that game also. It's lore friendly, and just looks like a Vault based machine rather than a random Western-themed thing featuring Vault boy. So we could just replace those textures in the BSA... the question is, is the EXE hardcoded to the BSA files, so they ignore Archive Invalidation?


No idea, you'd have to experiment. I found the reference to the mesh in the .exe when I was actually searching for mention of one of the textures used in the mesh.

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