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Help - Head accessory and how to place so it works with hair?


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Hi Guys,


I'm making my second mod, an outfit and as part of said outfit there is a small tiara type thing that sits on top of the characters head. Modeling it isnt the issue, its not very complicated TBH but how do I make it work with the abundance of hairstyles? obviously with some modded hairstyles it will just be lost in the hair due to volume and likewise if I model it for that, lower, less volume hairstyles it will float in the air.


Is there anything I can do about this or am I just best to model it over a Vanilla hairstyle?



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I'd say it's probably best to model it over a vanilla hairstyle, and maybe offer one alternate version that's a bit higher than the first one (maybe use a hairstyle you like or one you see around a lot that has a bit more height). Unfortunately, you can't please everyone so I always say it's best to do one 'vanilla' and one 'modded' version for people. Hope that makes sense :)

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