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pit armor textures


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I have a question about the Pit Armor - a type of leather armor in the game's files but not available in-game unless added via the construction set.


I was wondering if anyone could tell me the path to its textures so that I can replace them. I need to know the folder these textures are under and the name of each, or how to figure this out myself. I have a texture for another armor that uses its mesh - instead of just using the mod to add that armor I'd rather apply it to the Pit Armor's texture. I need to be able to rename the texture files so I can drop them in the right place.


Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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I've checked it out. The texture path is like this:


textures\armor\leather\shield.dds and shield_n.dds (for the shield)


textures\armor\leather\m: (for male amor)








textures\armor\leather\f (for female)







Also don't be confused that the pit armor uses the leather directory. The ingame Leather armor uses the thief directory.


Hope this helps,


Cheers :thumbsup:



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