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How to make NPC approach player


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It is quite simple really: I want the quest stage to start when my guy walks into a room and a custom NPC in the room approaches me and starts a conversation and then hands me something. I tried creating a scene and in phase 1 of the scene I added an action package for the NPC using the forcegreet template. Under quest stages I also added the "nameofscene".Start() thing to start the scene. However, my NPC will not approach me (and I cannot even talk to him if I tried to activate him). Can anyone push me in the right direction? Maybe I am using the wrong template package or there has to be an extra script somewhere?


I also tried to see how Skyrim's courier does it, but that confused the hell out if me. The courier doesn't use any scenes.


Please note I started this thing yesterday and it is my first quest mod evarrr, so please explain in child's language.



UPDATE: Ok not exactly what I wanted, but I solved the above by taking the scene out all together, and instead, adding some dialogue and in the Alias properties for my NPC I added forcegreet with reference to the above dialogie (through "Alias Package Data" window).

Edited by Jedo_Dre
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