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Logo intro, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and more video replacement


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I have been making replacement videos for the main menu, but now, I would like to make some others to replace the logo intro and maybe add some other ones without replacing the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. ones.


Is it even possible to make those .bk2 files with sound so that the game actually reads the audio part of it?


If not, is it possible to make those videos behave like the main menu video; have the video file with the audio file separated while running in sync?

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No, Fallout4 can't use .mp4's - that's why the default main menu/S.P.E.C.I.A.L. videos are .bk2's.

As to the question of .bk2's having audio, I don't know exactly how Bethesda did that, perhaps it's a feature that is only available in the fully licensed version of Bink.

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