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Problem with executionersarmor from intro; can someone help fixing it,


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Hello Modders,


I made the armor from the executioner in the intro, craft- and buyable.


The problem is, that on a female character, it shows up as a robe with a hand on it!!


I think something is wrong in mesh file, it shows up correct in the inventory and on males.


Can someone fix this, or tell me a way how to work around that bug?


THX a lot.




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Bethesda probably didn't create a female version of the mesh, so someone would have to model you a brand-new female mesh based on the original male mesh, or that's all you'll see.


Hello AjaxSt,


thanks for your advice. So it is not a bug, and the Robe is just a replacement texture for clothes, if nothing else is defined!


Okay I will make a request in the forum then, maybe someone is nice enough to create a female model of this armor. :confused:



Greetings, Christian

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