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Make me a Sword, Please.


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Hello, I'm looking for an experienced modder to help me with a project. I myself am no meshmaker or texture artist, every attempt has caused crying, weeping and a little hysteria. Thus I need somebody who can make my dream a reality. I've got an idea for a sword, one that looks like it belongs in the hands of an executioner in hell. I have sketched out the design on paper and I'm hoping one of you talented individuals will help me out by turning the sketch of mine into a mod of yours.


I see this blade like thus. Black Steel, rough hewn looking like the Uruk Hai's swords in Lord of the Rings. You know, the edges are all jaggedy, almost serated. I see it as one-handed though almost large enough to be two-handed. I envision the handguard set with a horned skull with ruby eyes. The handle itself wrapped in worn black hide.


I have uploaded the sketch I made on the Nexus Image share section,here's the link.




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haha urm, that is very interesting, however. Most modders are doing their own dreams and working on one mod, a big mod, multiple mods, or even multiple big mods. thus i don't think anyone will do it for u. but, if you do try it i have learned numeruous people on here are more then willing to answer questions. besides, wouldn't u rather learn then have someone do it for you? after all, if you think about it, down the road when u think of some cool armor to go with that blade or a bow or something, then you will be able to do it, and not have to wait yet again on someone doing it for u witch most likely won't happen.


I'd start with these tutorials. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...Portal:Modeling


the tutorials are fairly simple and they put it all into newbie wordings. they even have one for a sword. And if you are planning on using blender remember, if you press the "space bar" button then a list of categories->sub categories->actions will be listed if u need to know how to do something that isn't listed in the tutorials.


And about texturing, their is tutorials on their as well. If you want u could try asking someone to make the texture for u, at least then they wouldn't have to put their mods on a longer halt and u would be meeting them halfway. Maybe mail them flowers as a bribe :P

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