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Need little help with DrawWeapon Script


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Hello everyone

I have a small problem and I don't know how to solve it, please help


I need a script fix


I wrote a simple scene. Two NPC are talking.

I want the first one to draw his weapon at the beginning of dialogue and I did this (and it works)



ReferenceAlias Property Stranger Auto
Event OnInit()
(Stranger.GetReference() as Actor).DrawWeapon()
Works almost fine. The thing is NPC is sheathing his weapon right after drawing it.
I need to make him HOLD HIS BLOODY WEAPON to the end of a scene, so next dialogues can pass while he holds his weapon drawn
Any advices, please?
Edit: I got this thing to work. I used UseWeaponPackage combined with changing quest stages and SeatheWeapon() script
Topic can be deleted, thank you
Edited by Hildigard
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