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Unsure of what category I need to upload my sound assets in


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Title. I'm ripping the gun sounds from Escape from Tarkov to use with weapon mods (primarily Modern Firearms), but I have next to no experience with GECK, so I can't replace the weapon sounds on my own. So, I'm asking where I need to upload the sound files so that someone else experienced with making sound replacers can use them.

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I'm ripping the gun sounds from Escape from Tarkov to use with weapon mods


I'm asking where I need to upload the sound files so that someone else experienced with making sound replacers can use them.


Redistributing said assets without permission of the original creator of them would be in direct violation of the Nexus TOS, as well as a violation of the TOS and the EULA of Escape from Tarkov - they make it pretty clear on their own site that you're not allowed to do this.



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