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Power armor fusion core replacing


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I am suprised this wasnt modded yet as i read about people complaining about this often at various forums.


That Power armors always take a brand new fusion core when the last one got depleted, ignoring any half used fusion cores. Or is there some deeper sense behind this?


Sure i could only take the 3 fusion cores with me that range from 25-89 percent and leave the stack of 50 100 percent FC´s at home but.. with my lack of attention i would all of a sudden sit at the other end of the map without any fusion cores because i didnt pay attention :>


Please i dont know if its even possible but could anybody make a mod for this?


Edit: i tried to search for similar older requests but gave up at scrolling through that list of subforums in the advanced search lol i dont live long enough for that anymore... perhaps as teenager i could have...

Edited by Simpson3k
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