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Ctd - what to do


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Pending a recent reinstall I've been running around in the countryside getting at level 18. And I've had no problems until I wanted to go to Goodneighbor. Diamond City, Cambridge etc work fine. But now I can go for a few yards before CTD. It started at around Trinity Plaza and no matter which direction I go I cannot make any progress.


I am for the most getting 60fps right up till crash. Just a few down spikes.


Max VRam usage is at 3.2 of 4 Gb.


But my GPU hits 100% very fast and stays there until crash.

Same goes for GPU temp. It shoots from 40 to 60+ C within a minute of playing.


Ram maxes out 6.3Gb - of 16.

CPU maxes at around 40%.

CPU is maxing out at 55C on core1


I've got a lot of mods running - probably too many- Active mods at 303 and active plugins are 191.


My rig is:


Intel 5820K, 16Gb ddr4 on an MSI Gaming MB.

R9 200 video card with 4Gb Vram.

500Gb M2 main drive with a fully updated Win 10


What would be my best approach here? Cutting down on the eye candy mods. Or going from Ultra to High settings?



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