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What's your fighting style?


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Normally a medium armor like the desert ranger armor but after that, just a .45, a lot of bullets, and a Katana. My days pretty fine afterwards, my carrying capacity is very high since i carry two weapons so i can carry loot for hours, but I really can choose any style I want seeing as all my skills are at 100 except barter and unarmed. though they themselves are in the high fifties. guess i lucked out.
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I love to snipe when possible, but of course it isn't always possible, so I end up carrying one of every range of weapon (long, medium, short), plus a good melee weapon, plus an unarmed weapon (I know it's a bit redundant -- not to mention oxymoronic in the case of 'unarmed weapons' -- but I like to be prepared). My style is to be as stealthy as possible, unleash a flurry of hell, then change position while my APs recover and the bad guys go to wherever I was and wonder where I am now, then unleash another flurry of hell and repeat the process until the bad guys stop trying to eat me (or whatever they were doing).
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