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what's the best water mod?


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Hi, I'm searching for the bests water mods, because I don't like the vanilla water.


can you do a list of water mod, and classify them?



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Well, I know of a plugin that makes the water nice and clear instead of murky and hard to see in. That plugin is contained in the mod "Natural Environments" (link: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2536). I hope that's along the lines of what you want.


Here's a mod called "Alive Waters" that adds immersion underwater by adding things like fish, seaweed, and sunken ships: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6914


I hope those help!

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best water mod is in oblivion mod gods, search it on google and look for their water mod, it hads realistic refraction and makes thing AWESOME and make it look kinda crysis-ish
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