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Whats up with this "Official Oblivion 12416 Patch" set of fi


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"Official Oblivion 12416 Patch" uploaded today is this something new or is this just a repost of all the old Offical patches put together?


Aslo whats the difference between the regular patches and the direct2Drive versions.



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"Official Oblivion 12416 Patch" uploaded today is this something new or is this just a repost of all the old Offical patches put together?


Aslo whats the difference between the regular patches and the direct2Drive versions.



Regular patches can't be used on the D2D version of the game. D2D versions can't be used for the regular versions of the game. For awhile now the D2D people did not have access to a "fixed" 1.2 version, meaning that they were either stuck with the 1.1 patch for normal Oblivion (without kotn/SI) or were stuck with the initial "bugged beyond belief" 1.2 patch that shipped with SI and GOTY.


The original 1.20416 patch was released over a year ago. Certainly took them long enough to get with the D2D people.

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D2D makes me sad. So much stuff doesn't work with it. You'd think they'd warn you in advance that their versions are recompiled and not the same files you'd get if you just gone down to the local game store.

In most cases, it really isn't an issue since the patches are either changes to data files or other resources, if there are any patches, and there usually aren't mods for most games. It's really just a fairly large issue when you're dealing with something like Oblivion which has both a changed .exe, datafiles, and mods. And for some people, a trip to a videogame store isn't something they can just up and do on a whim.


But yeah, D2D sucks, and should be avoided if possible.

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