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Vision Modes: Thermal, Night Vision, Life detect


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Skyrim is not Fallout, but, as I understand it there are a number of behind the scenes elements that are similar.


In Fallout NV, there were some vision mods that allowed a player to switch from normal vision, to thermal, night vision, etc.


Methinks, if this could be done for Skyrim, the effect could be a rather nice addition.


A lore friendly way of possibly adding this option could involve a Dwermer set of goggles designed by the ancient and long gone Dwermer technical wizards that allows player to see in thermal, night vision, life detect, and other such.


Other options could involve adding this as an innate racial ability for some races, or as a spell.


If this has been suggested before, Please accept my apologies. I did a serch for thermal vision and found nothing, as well as browsing through the thread list to some extent.


Thank you!

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