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[Mod Request(?)] What I'd love to see (description within!)


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So, I've had some thoughts, and was wondering if some, or all of these ideas might be crammed into a single mod. I'm also going to spew a lot of ideas I think would be awesome, so sorry if I ramble.


In essence (inaccurate TL;DR): I'd like to see combo's be promoted and feasible, even a necessary part of your battle skills!


I'm not quite in mid game, but anyone worth their salt in a fight has it seems a 30% chance to just masterstrike you. I thought this was a "cool" mechanic, at first... But now it's obnoxious. It promotes the player sitting and turtling, waiting for their own chance to master strike. BORING! And frustrating at times too...


First, I'd like to see master strikes go the way of the dodo, if that's possible. IMHO, the 100% chance to hit your opponent should be far more difficult to achieve, and be done through skilled use of combos. This would remove the "random" punishment aspect of it, and promote actually skilled combat. Thinking, setting up, and executing a well timed combo should be rewarded, not just "congrats, you pressed a button on time!".


I would also love seeing the window for a perfect block/parry to be considerably narrowed, even halved. Blocks should still work, but it should be much more difficult to break combos with out dodging. Dodging shouldnt change, I feel it's chancy enough that it should be as it is.


What would be really cool, is if you could only master strike if your weapon was in the same alignment of their own, giving you a reason to pay attention to their swings. IMHO, the whole pentagon aiming system is pretty pointless, I've never seen anything mechanically useful come of it (save for combos, which arnt reliable and unworth it as a result). This would also make feints a thing as well. You might get blocked, but not master struck, unless they're clever and anticipate your strike.


In exchange for eschewing master strikes, and making it more difficult to perfect block, the AI should also reflect this. I'm not sure what governs their abilities in this regard, but it should be more difficult for them to perform them as well. They should, as you would have to, be more aggressive, trying to wear you down and open your defenses, and use combos to deliver guaranteed damage.



The idea of this came to me when fighting a group of bandits, skilled ones, one in plate. I found myself not even bothering to attack (I'd just get trashed for my effort) and circling while waiting for a master strike. It felt empty and lacking. Some of my favorite exchanges was when my and my foe exchanged several blows, until finally nailing one of them and getting to end it with a combo. I would love to see this as the main mode of combat gameplay. I'd also like seeing weapon perks as more than a waste of bits.



Any how, what do you guys thing, is this even remotely possible? I know theres a few "balance' mods out there, but honestly, I think most of the game is fine except for the actual mechanical aspects of combat, and most those mods do a lot of other things I dont want.



EDIT: Another thought I had... Would it completely break everything if all attacks were ~20% faster? Or at least tie it to say, your weapon skill or perhaps agility so as you skilled up, your attacks became quicker and more graceful, being more difficult to block.


In the end, I'd love getting into more flurry of blows and counter exchanges. To me, these are massively fun, and rewarding when you pull out on top with a good clever strike.

Edited by ChaosShadow00x
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There is a mod that shows you how to alter the window for timed things like master-strikes and perfect block. Search on the nexus, and you will find it.


My suggestion goes as follow.


Copy the window time from Master strike and put it in perfect block.

Set the window for master-strike to 0 seconds (removes if from the combat completely).

Edit the Main_Hud.dds and rempove the green shield icon and the golden blur next to it.


Find how people are editing item stats. Set your longsword damage in concordance with the worst possible longsword.


et voila. A quick and dirty edit that return the excitement of a difficult and challenging melee system.


I WILL rework the perks properly, and balance the items properly once I have some time. Currently IRL needs my attention.

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