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Hardcore Journal & Map


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I'd love to have a hardcore mode for journal and map. I always found it kinda immersion-breaking that the stuff just appers in journal and map. It would be SO MUCH cooler if you had to mark stuff down by yourself. So maybe there'd have to be something like this:


* You need a quill and inkbottle to mark down stuff.

* You can write stuff down on empty pages.

* You need to buy a journal book and if it fills up (maybe 50 pages) then buy another one.

* In the map something like "Draw a map symbol" and a selection of stuff you can place down.

* Ability to write in maps.

* Ability to draw in maps Thief (the game series) style.

* You'd also have to buy map pieces in order for them to show up in the map screen.

* Maybe a map bag you carry around?

* Purchaseable dungeon maps.


Of course if you need to write down the key points of quest dialogue then it would be preferable to have the journal accessable while in dialogue mode. Also if you forget something the NPC's would have to be able to repeat the key points and maybe give additional information about the location of the quest (yeah the vanilla dialogues suck that way).


EDIT: Naturally this would also disable all quick travel (except the carriages) and make all the symbols on the map unclickable and disable the hovertexts etc. Just plain symbols and text under (or by the side of) them.

Edited by Ianuarius
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