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TES5Edit value for enabling transformations?


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Basically, here's the problem:


Playable custom race (RSC) transforming to Lich, Aspect of Nature etc. gets my character stuck in first person mode with no visible limbs, no way to attack, no way to bring up the spells menu (Undeath) and the only thing I can do is transform back, rendering them useless. I love these mods and would very much like to get them to work. I tried googling but I couldn't find anything on enabling/disabling transformations.


Is there a value for enabling transformations/spell use/magic effect on an actor that isn't checked for non-vanilla playable races? Or is it another mod that's causing the issue (I'm using this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11307 but disabling it doesn't help)


Other mods I'm using that I don't know alter transformations but might are Legacy of the Dragonborn, RaceCompatibility and the legendary patch.


I can post my load order on request.

Edited by finnthesubhuman
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