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Pine Forest


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I'm working on a map project and intend on making one map a decaying pine Forest with giant trees infested with fungal growths. There are some resources I plan on using that are within the game but I would also like to use some resources provided by the f4 community to add some more variety to the environment. I just don't have a solid grasp on what to use. When looking on the Nexus, I seem to only find overhauls that change the entire base game. I'm assuming I'd need to pick through files from those mods for meshes and textures if I want to add new content without replacing old content. What would you suggest for me to do?
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Try looking in the following file categories:


Environment: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/categories/14/

Modders Resources: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/categories/18/

Models and Textures: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/categories/19/


If you do find what you're looking for, be sure to check over the usage permissions set out by the author, even if you're only using a part of their mod/files.

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