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Hand Clipping Issue on Various Gauntlets(CBBE)


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So I am experiencing the clipping issue shown in the below images:








As shown it seems to affect the Crimson Twilight Outfit Gauntlets and the Steel Gauntlets. I am unsure if there are other gloves that experience this issue as of right now.

I have listed my Mod Load Order in an attached image. In addition to the listed mods I have CBBE SSE(Curvy), SG Female Textures Renewal CBBE and Crimson Twilight Armor manually installed.

Everything else on the mod list has been installed through NMM. I have tried a full wipe and then clean install of all SSE data including mods, saves, NMM data, etc, but no dice. I have tried building the outfits multiple times in BodySlide as well.


At this point I am welcoming any help I can get on this. I know it is small but it just really irks me. Thank you in advance.

Edited by ThePinkPigOCD
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