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Will a material I assign to the mesh in Blender or 3DS max


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Basically I'm just having a bit of trouble with making a texture to fit the helmet's uv and I was wondering if I can still 'skin' the object using a material rather then a texture.


This is what the object looks like in Blender, with material attached.



I think I've asked this before on another part of the forum, probably because I've never fully grasped the art of putting textures in-game.

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You can use material in 3 software, unfortunately, for skyrim you have no choice to use textures. You can try to render you material to textures whit automatic uv. My mod Rose North is made of material, no photoshop, in 3dsmax I render my scene as meterials and it give me a diffuse map and a bump map, I export it in dds and voila!


Uv mapping is not so hard, it just take time to understand. For a Helmet, it could be a planar map, break the center edge in the back and detache your outside frome the inside. In 3dsmax uvw wrapper, just add relax and well done.


I hope some Blender users could help you, but the prosedure could be the same.

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